Apply for help: Aboriginal Health Self-referral

At Western Sydney ITC we understand that wellbeing for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person is more than being disease free. It’s about the holistic contentment of the individual and their community.

Wellbeing is defined by the First Nation person’s physical (internal and external), mental, cultural, emotional and spiritual health. The effects of various diseases, social circumstances and other wellbeing conditions are unique to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and we know and understand the sensitivity surrounding the way these health and wellness issues are addressed.

So if you’re ready to get help from culturally relevant, holistic healthcare, we commend you for taking the next step in your culturally safe and appropriate health care journey. 

To make it easy for you, you can apply for support from Western Sydney ITC with our self-referral system by clicking the link below.


How Western Sydney ITC helped Tracey with her chronic health

We spoke to Tracey, a long-term Western Sydney ITC client, about how Aboriginal health support assisted in managing her chronic health conditions.


Western Sydney ITC makes Sharon feel safe and respected

Western Sydney ITC has provided life-changing health support to Sharon over the years, allowing her to feel safe, comforted and respected.


A welcome surprise for daughter of 91 year old Elizabeth

Kaylene, daughter of 91-year-old Elizabeth, didn’t know about dedicated healthcare services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

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